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Everything posted by wiesemann

  1. well, in the old days (Version 6) it was recommended to NOT use embedded audio but instead creat a separate file, which then can be placed on any output.
  2. Anyone remember Final Cut Studio? Replaced by FinalCutPro X over night, no compatibility? Bad idea.
  3. Have used 25fps timecode coming from an audiotrack of a mp4 played on an iPad. There is an offset, which means you will have to somehow find the real start of the program. I used TC from 09:59:20:00 or so to keep some time for synching. One can hear the jump to 10:00:00:00 and use that as reference.
  4. could one say, that the files you got only play when they are re-encoded. Could it be that they have been encoded in maybe the „wrong way“ in the first place? Do they play when reencoded in the exact same size? Maybe „remuxing“ with OBS helps already? I dont know..
  5. Hi, did you try updating without the wav file? I‘d try to isolate the problem testing each step. using no audio, different format (16 bit, 24 bit, mp3), move the audio away from that display, change framerates, resolutions..
  6. I dont know anything about the new version of Watchout. But you might want to check the community edition of Ventuz.
  7. the production computer could provide this set to high resolution instead of thumbnails. But dont know if screenshotting wouldnt interfere with the playback.
  8. Appreciate all that extra work. Thanks to all involved. Great Forum.
  9. I like moderation. Otherwise we‘d have Twitter of even Facebokk in a minute.
  10. But that is what I meant. I tell these guys, which version I want to work with, or in some rare cases, install it myself. I know that sounds rude or „not service oriented“, but since every jitter, non looping loop and everycrackle in audio is going to be „my fault“ anyway I decide this or I reject the job. Had a really bad experience which led me to this. („what did you program there…“)
  11. Well, Dataton probably doesnt want to hear it, but it was always the case that there wer unstable newer versions and I have waited for bugs to be fixed in another even newer version. I would just stick with the version that was running. Clients always blame it on you (me) not on software engineering. So I decide what is used.
  12. Try encoding to HAP with a different software than Adobe. Sometimes Adobe.. I better not say it..
  13. at some point we had Watchout play single AppleProRes422 files that were 6k sonething by 1080 px wide at a framerate of 25 fps. I assume, when splitting them one could get pretty far. Otherwise I have been using Mp4, after mpeg2 and WMV were basically out of the business. The latter looked sharper than Mp4..
  14. This is why I never bothered to even look at HAP after seeing, that even a short HD film ends up with a ridiculous filesize.
  15. try the same in the maintimeline instead of an aux.
  16. Very cool. Please Dataton, buy this technology! Is it possivle to send this to another computer on the same network which has the tool installed? So that colleagues of the team can see it in the same moment. Up to now they keep asking like kids on vacation trips..
  17. You can „lock“ the layers that contain cues you want to omit. This way „arrow right/Next“ key hits the one you want. But of course you would have to prepare this.
  18. Sometimes USB ports go weird or defective. For example I have a surface pro dock, that cannot safely be used für USB-drives.. So I wouldnt use that. The surfaces own USB is good.
  19. I had a show at some point where tc-sync was neede for one section only. Tinecode was coming from an iPad thru an audiocable. There was no need to do anything except NOT run than timecode from that iPad when not needed.
  20. On issue could be that the display machine/s are not „powerful“ enough to play back the content. I had that and it took a while to isolate it to just that. Which was a disappointment for some people who had hoped it would have been my programming mistakes and not just their „too cheap“.
  21. exactly this. In order to not have all these layered cues active, one could lock the layers they are in. Except one of course. Also a good trick to just bypass them all, for testing content or so.
  22. Looping… Always a big topic.. I would recommend NOT using pause and play cue OR free running. But instead make really long timelines. Like 24 hours if needed. Put the films end to end, copy, repeat.. Do that with stills as well, when working with dissolving stills. This way you avoid the sync AND the transparency-jump issues at the end of loops.
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