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Audio preview on Production Computer


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Has any one encountered this situation?

1 production computer, three display computers.

When I send a QuickTime .mov to all three screens, I can hear the audio of the .mov at each display computer but not at the production computer.

When the clip is played in QuickTime on the production computer audio works fine.

I have the Audio preview menu item checked.


It may or may not affect the situation, I am sending live camera feed to all three display computers with S-Video going to Osprey 100 cards in the D.C.s

Also using Midi to trigger cues in the time line.


What am I doing wrong?

Because the display computers are far from the sound console and any inputs, I'd like to send the audio feed from the production computer.


Watchout 4.2

Windows XP.


Thanks in advance for pointing out the box I forgot to check.


Shine On!

Michael Maag

Lighting and Projection

Oregon Shakespeare Festival



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Hi Michael,


What kind of codec/s for video/sound, is used in the .mov-files?


Your Production computer is a different setup than the Display PC:s, right?

Other sound card/drivers? What kind of codec/s is used in the .mov-files?


If so, that's the answer.


It's always recommended to run with audio separated from the video-file, preferably .wav-format.

This always work. (and sound better)


Best Regards,


Jonas Amren

Dataton AB

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