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How control WO Production from IPad's

Anton Rodionov

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hello. I need to take control WO Production from 3 Ipad's at the same time via TCP/IP.

I saw on the user manual page 251, and I want to create simple interface with a few buttons for run aux timelines. May your suggest how to realize an interface for ipad (maybe ios program (constructor) or web)....

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hello. I need to take control WO Production from 3 Ipad's at the same time via TCP/IP.


Why must you keep production?

You are making your life difficult with that approach.

Pretty much have to write it from scratch to do what you want.

Production has limited control functions compared to playing back in cluster mode (no production).


I saw on the user manual page 251, and I want to create simple interface with a few buttons for run aux timelines. May your suggest how to realize an interface for ipad (maybe ios program (constructor) or web)....


Definitely would be custom iPad development to achieve what you want.

You would make your life a lot easier if you eliminated production and used WATCHNET,

then the panel development is simplified and designed just for WATCHOUT.


WATCHNET sounds like it is exactly what you ask for except the need to run production.

WATCHNET will serve an unlimited number of panels concurrently via HTML5,

pretty much allows you to use any type of panel device with an HTML5 compliant browser.

iPad (or any iOS device), Android (via the Chrome browser), Windows, Mac, etc.

You can run as many independent panels as you want - no limits.

You have everything you need already to run WATCHNET,

i.e. you run WATCHNET with the displays in cluster mode (no production),

so when you content is ready, quit WATCHOUT Production

and start up the WATCHNET server.

It uses the same license as production/display/etc. (but not at the same time, its either / or,

. to run both at the same time you plug in two licenses),

has much lower requirement for the PC (if it runs production, it will definitely run WATCHNET).

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I would suggest using Watchnet or  TouchOSC... I've used TouchOSC with good results, tomorrow is our first live event with Watchnet .

thank you. touchOSC helped)

I was able to connect multiple devices and manage WO Production at the same time

Why must you keep production?

At the beginning of the event, the first movie should start guest, using certain complex (unusual for him) device. We decided to put for this a light control console))) and sync via artnet. after the opening ceremony, communication begins with the guests. There will be a big panoramic led screen, i'll need switch few panoramic videos unknown to anyone in order))) Virtually it will be split into 3 zones. In each zone will be the person with the IPad, which will have to run certain video on its side of the screen.

I will learn watchnet carefully, just now there is no free time, as always))))

thank you

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