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Recommended M-ATX motherboard for Watchout Display Computer


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The institution I am at has an old display computer case that they would like to use in order to make a Watchout display computer. The case is made for a micro-ATX form factor motherboard. I was advised that at good M-ATX would be Gigabyte GA-X99M-Gaming 5 LGA (url: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128748&cm_re=x99-_-13-128-748-_-Product). 


I was wondering if anyone else as any experience with this motherboard or know of another choice which works well with Watchout.


Other information:
Looking at outfitting it with this graphics card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127732

As well as a BlackMagic Decklink Duo capture card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815710017&cm_re=blackmagic_decklin_duo-_-15-710-017-_-Product


Thank you in advance.


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The Gigabyte seems to have an attractive allocation of PCIe 3.0 lanes, similar to the EVGA, versus the ASRock: x16/x16/x8 with i7 5930K or 5960X, else x16/x8/x4 with the i7 5820K. This means you can have a gfx card in slot 1 using the full PCIe 3.0 x16 lanes, and the Decklink Duo in slot 2 or 3 without having to compromise, and with other slot available for a Datapath card should you want to, or even an Intel SSD 750 PCie (http://www.anandtech.com/show/9090/intel-ssd-750-pcie-ssd-review-nvme-for-the-client). And if you use a single slot graphics card like the Firepro W7100, the x1 slot is then available for a Firewire x1 card (for multi-channel audio expansion with Watchout 6).


However, its M.2 is only PCIe 2.0 x2 like the EVGA, rather than the PCie 3.0 x4 as in the ASRock - if, and only if, you intend to use and maximize the throughput of the Samsung XP941 or latest SM941 M.2 PCIe SSD. Else other SSD M.2 cards will be fine with the Gigabyte, eg. those from Plextor. (Beware with the EVGA's M.2 slot space - seems to cater for a short M.2 only, not the 80mm variety).


Overall, the Gigabyte is a good choice; should not have a problem with Watchout; and has slots for expansion later.

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