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Watchout 6 - 3D Model positioning and Mapping


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2 questions for working in 3D space and Mapping in Watchout...


1- I am working with 2 - 3D walls and I am wondering if there is a precise way to set the distance between the walls in the 3D stage window of Watchout? Currently it looks like the units are pixels? Is there a specific pixels per foot that the stage window is calculating?


2- With these two walls I want to be able to map to the US wall and the DS wall and then map to both. If each wall is its own 3D object and I create a virtual screen for each wall, is mapping to both with 1 image as simple as making a 3rd virtual screen that covers the space of both walls?



Any thoughts would be appreciated.




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2 questions for working in 3D space and Mapping in Watchout...


1- I am working with 2 - 3D walls and I am wondering if there is a precise way to set the distance between the walls in the 3D stage window of Watchout? Currently it looks like the units are pixels? Is there a specific pixels per foot that the stage window is calculating?


Simple answer is no. WATCHOUT only works in pixels - period.

It is simple math to convert units of measure to pixels.

That calculation is up to you, as it is a variable unique to each setup.



2- With these two walls I want to be able to map to the US wall and the DS wall and then map to both. If each wall is its own 3D object and I create a virtual screen for each wall, is mapping to both with 1 image as simple as making a 3rd virtual screen that covers the space of both walls?




No. Do not map virtual displays onto other virtual displays.

And there is no need to do this.

If you want the same content on both models,

than map the same one virtual display to each model.


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You can put both models in the same 3D file. They will then maintain ther relationship when brought into WATCHOUT, while still being able to be textured separately. Alternatively, export them as two separate models after positioning them as desired in the 3D program, and use the model's origo as anchor point in WATCHOUT, and place those anchor points at the same stage position. This will essentially do the same thing, but with separate files.

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Further question:


I was able to get into the theatre and put the 3D projectors and convergence to the test. The first problem is where the projectors overlap on center line are not converging on either plane. Do I need to do geometry correction to align these like I would in WO5 or with 2D screens?


Maybe there is a better way to do this setup with out a 3D model and 3D projectors in WO6?


Here is a photo of the stage. 

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Yeah that is what I was thinking. The issue becomes the blend between the two projects. One blend on the DS wall and one blend on the US wall. I heard that maybe z-depth would allow correction for this and manually convergence the imagery in WO?





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I don't understand your question "I heard that maybe z-depth would allow correction for this and manually convergence the imagery in WO?". Please clarify. Also, I don't understand what you mean by "US wall and the DS wall", and  how the walls are arranged and projected onto. A drawing of the room, with walls and projectors, would help.

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Sorry about the clarification.


How can I attach a image file to this thread? The Image button asks for a URL. Just not sure of how to do that. 


You must host the image file on the web on your own.

That is why it is asking for the URL that points at the image you have hosted.

Most ISP accounts include some form of web storage, which is a simple way to post a file for this purpose


completely off topic, just an example of posting a picture - when car unexpectedly meets deer (2012) - with "Easter egg"


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