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serial commands


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I'm having some trouble with controlling my projector with serial commands.


I have a setup with a new pc with an ATEN UC232-A usb->rs232 converter.

its set up as COM1. COM baudrate is set to 38400.


Projector is a NEC px7000w, baud rate of the same.

On production computer I made a string output , serial port, right baudrate. 


the NEC manual wants me to send this string

02H 00H 00H 00H 00H 02H (for power on)

​I guess thats


as the 'data to send'..


Now I've tried different syntaxes, adding carriage return on end etc..

But I get zero response. If anyone has any ideas as to what I'm missing I'd be very grateful.

It might be simple, I dont have too much experience with serial stuff.



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  • Dataton Partner

Whenever you run into such problems, the best way is to use a Telnet client on the same computer to send out the string. This usually also shows you possible answers from the controlled device. If it then works with a Telnet software you can try to port the result to WATCHOUT. Always add $0D at the end.

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