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DMX and MIDI input control

Fredrik Svahnberg

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An great new feature in WATCHOUT version 5.1 is that you can use inputs (DMX, MIDI etc) directly connected to a display cluster (a group of Display Computers) without having to go through the WATCHOUT Production Computer.


It is however not enough just to go offline with the Production Computer. You have to "activate" the display cluster first. An easy way to do this is to use the "command file" (see page 247-249 in the manual). You can of course do the same from any external control system.


Best regards,

Fredrik Svahnberg


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One again, the manual is pretty good reading. Try it ;-)


I see two alternatives...


Either you use DMX inputs triggering Auxiliary timelines (where you put your cues/sequences). Again, that is well described on page 187-205 in the manual.


Or, if your console supports MIDI SHOW CONTROL, you might find a more appropriate solution firing your cues on the main timeline. Page 265-266 in the manual.


Best regards,

Fredrik Svahnberg


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