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MOTU Audio Glitch in V6


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I have a digital glitch/pop/scratch during playback of audio and video in Watchout 6.1.6 using Motu 828MK3 Hybrid on USB. It will only occur when audio and video play together on the timeline (either separate or combined), if there is just an audio file on the timeline then there is no issue. File type, amount of channels and routing make no difference and the glitch does not appear in the same place every time but does happen 90% of the time. It does not occur in Windows (VLC etc) but only in Watchout. I have rolled back versions with no success.


On the Motu the glitch is presented visually as a spike in all the channels and audibly as a digital glitch/pop, playback resumes normally after the glitch.


Windows 8.1 pro

Asus X99-e WS

Nvidia P5000


Windows is up to date.


Any ideas on what this could be?


Thanks in advance.

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Hi, does it make any difference setting the GPU power management mode to "Prefer maximum performance"? You will find this setting in the Nvidia control panel->3D settings->manage 3D settings.


We had crosstalk issues with some motherboards where a re-clocking of the GPU frequency would result in crack/pop in the audio interface. By running the GPU at maximum no re-clocking would occur.



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Hi Miro


Thank you for your reply


I've checked and we already have the 'Prefer Maximum Performance' option enabled. I have also tried the registry hack i found here http://forum.dataton.com/topic/2490-ask-for-audio-playback-tips-in-wo/?p=10722


Still no solution as yet. We have been rolling back through the previous versions from 6.1.6 back to 6.0.2 and the problem is consistent across all versions and now across multiple OS versions and hardware builds although they are all X99.


6.2 beta on test now


Any more help appreciated.

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