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Unstable WATCHNET situation..

Ruben Wessels

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Hi there,

I'm having some trouble on a fixed install with a Windows 10 Touch PC running watchnet to control timelines in a cluster of 2 Watchpax 4's.
This server is also running a schedule to turn on the system in the morning and shut it down at the end of the day.

Sometimes the server loses its connection to the watchpaxes or something and thus the system doesn't start up/shut down.

I keep getting these WorkManager errors in the server window, sometimes directly on startup, sometimes after a few hours.

I attached the log file, the first 2 lines are the 2 watchpaxes losing their communication.

I need to fix this issue asap, but i'm not sure where to look..
Any tips on what to do?
-No firewall running.
-No internet connection
-All fixed IP's
-Art-net running on the network to control some lighting (controlled by WO)

Complete reinstall of the Watchnet system? Or the whole windows installation?

Hope anyone can help me,
Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

Ruben Wessels

The Netherlands


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