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Watchout & Kinect


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I'm wondering if and what is the most viable solution to controlling elements of Watchout with kinect.


I am guessing itd have something to do with watchout accepting UDP packets from another program like perhaps maxMSP?


Any help would be much appreciated !

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You'd need some "glue code" in between. This code talks to the Kinect, adapts the data, and forwards relevant information to WATCHOUT using its network protocol. This "glue code" can be made in pretty much any language that can talk to the Kinect as well as do IP network communication.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Its possible you could use Touch Designer from Derivative to create the "glue" interface Mike was talking about. Touch Designer is already setup to use inputs from the Kinect, and has modules for outputting IP commands and LOTS of other stuff. In minutes you can be controlling a 3d spaceship image from your accelerometer enabled cell phone!


Its incredibly flexible and allows for things like Skrillex's real-time giant dancing robot for the 2011 (I think it was called) Mothership tour. Derivative's website is full of examples involving Kinect work and because of Touch Designer's flexibility it could possibly interface WatchOUT and Kinect for you. I am clueless on how but I know the power of both packages and I could see it happening.

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Excellent, thank you. Ive looked into touch designer previously - it was used to build amon tobins ISAM show too which is an incredible feat.

Wondering what the quickest route is regarding the learning curve between touch designer, quartz, maxmsp... well, gotta start somewhere !

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Its possible you could use Touch Designer from Derivative to create the "glue" interface Mike was talking about. Touch Designer is already setup to use inputs from the Kinect, and has modules for outputting IP commands and LOTS of other stuff. In minutes you can be controlling a 3d spaceship image from your accelerometer enabled cell phone!


Its incredibly flexible and allows for things like Skrillex's real-time giant dancing robot for the 2011 (I think it was called) Mothership tour. Derivative's website is full of examples involving Kinect work and because of Touch Designer's flexibility it could possibly interface WatchOUT and Kinect for you. I am clueless on how but I know the power of both packages and I could see it happening.


Thanks for posting Brian. Of course, your post did keep me up till 3 AM last night trying to figure out how to use TouchDesigner and Kinect. The possibilities seem pretty amazing. But posts like yours open my mind to things that I hadn't formerly considered. Much appreciated!


Excellent, thank you. Ive looked into touch designer previously - it was used to build amon tobins ISAM show too which is an incredible feat.

Wondering what the quickest route is regarding the learning curve between touch designer, quartz, maxmsp... well, gotta start somewhere !


Too true Kivex. Wonder if there is anyone who has tried them all, or at least most of the software you mentioned, and who could recommend which way to go? That's true of so many things though, isn't it? I think we need a list (or maybe a sticky at the top of the page) that would help point the way in a variety of circumstances. Something like:


If you are a Watchout user and want to do Projection Mapping, we suggest...........

If you are a Watchout user and want to incorporate Kinect, we suggest.............

If you are a Watchout user and want to do an awards show, we suggest............

And so on..........


I suppose the list could be endless and that there are a ton of variables, but a hint of what works well for certain circumstances would certainly be most useful to me as I try and make the better decision on what to use when setting off on a quest to do a show in an unfamiliar way.


So many programs. So much to learn. So little time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now we are using Radar Touch laser controller for one of our applications- It's work fine. I need some extra code betwen Watchout 5 and Radar Touch, so we do it in UNITY. We make also test with kinetct it works pretty good. On film below you can see how it works finaly it's public digital signage with 4K animation drived by watchout 5 and cotroled via laser.

I will prepare more info about this soon.


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