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Time Code ProTools Sync


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It's my first experience with Time Code

I have a Production PC running WO5.x and 4 Display PC for video playout.

Sound playback is provided by a MAC running ProTools.

We are wondering to set up a second MAC running QLabs that provide MSC commands (GO) to WO and to ProTools, so we have the same START.

Video will be set in free running and each video has a longest tail, so some seconds before the end of each song, WO's main timeline is in pause and ready to receive MSC "GO" and start the next video.

But how can I be sure that during the 5 minutes of each song music and video will always be in sync?

I'm thinking about a LTC that can be provided by QLab as well.

My question is: does time code correspond to main time line time? (i.e. 00:00:05:00 in LTC correspond to 00:00:05.000 in main timeline)? I mean, I only need to sync the clock of WO and ProTools device, as my video will often be in free running and then in pause. So WO time will not be the same of ProTolls time, except at 0. Does LTC only give the clock sync or it refers directly to WO main timeline absolut time?



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