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WATCHOUT Shortcuts


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...  is there a list of ALL the keystroke shortcuts? This would be fantastic information pinned along with the tweaks, reccommended systems, etc.....




Show Sage compiles a WATCHOUT Production keyboard shortcut list (since v3).

Show Sage provides it in the form of a mouse pad to those attending Training classes.

(BTW Next Show Sage WATCHOUT class - Toronto, ON Canada 30-Apr / 01 May 2013).


You can download a .jpg of the current version of the art used on the Show Sage mouse pad

from this link: WATCHOUT 5 Production Keyboard Shortcuts


Seems we missed the one Jonas just referenced, 

 Ctrl+Shift+A to invoke remote management of display computers

will go on the update list for the next run.  ;)

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  • Dataton Partner

Show Sage compiles a WATCHOUT Production keyboard shortcut list (since v3).

Show Sage provides it in the form of a mouse pad to those attending Training classes.

(BTW Next Show Sage WATCHOUT class - Toronto, ON Canada 30-Apr / 01 May 2013).


You can download a .jpg of the current version of the art used on the Show Sage mouse pad

from this link: WATCHOUT 5 Production Keyboard Shortcuts


Seems we missed the one Jonas just referenced, 

 Ctrl+Shift+A to invoke remote management of display computers

will go on the update list for the next run.  ;)




where's the "Select to end" shortcut on your mousepad?  ;-)

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Here's a list of convenient shortcuts to speed up your WATCHOUT workflow.

Ctrl K Preferences dialog box
Ctrl O Open a show file
Ctrl Q Quit program
Ctrl R Refresh media (looks for changed files)
Ctrl S Save show to disk
Ctrl A Select all
Ctrl C Copy
Ctrl E Select to End
Ctrl F Find/Replace
Ctrl G Find/Replace again
Ctrl M Move stage position of selected cues/displays
Ctrl X Cut
Ctrl Z Undo
Ctrl Shift Z Redo
Enter Open specifications dialog
Stage & Preview
Ctrl Shift A Remote manage display
Ctrl B Standby mode (toggle)
Ctrl D Update
Ctrl L Online (toggle)
Ctrl N Snap (toggle)
Ctrl 1 Preview scale 1:16
Ctrl 2 Preview scale 1:8
Ctrl 3 Preview scale 1:4
Ctrl 4 Preview scale 1:2
Ctrl 5 Preview scale 1:1
Ctrl 6 Preview as wireframes
Ctrl 7 Preview as thumbnails
Ctrl 8 Preview video as thumbnail
Ctrl 9 Preview at best quality
Ctrl 0 Preview masked by displays
Ctrl Drag Zoom scale to rectangle
Ctrl Click Zoom in
Ctrl Shift Click Zoom out
Ctrl Alt Drag Pan stage position in window
Ctrl I Insert layer
Ctrl DEL Delete layer
Ctrl J Timeline settings
Ctrl P Add play control cue
Ctrl Shift P Add pause control cue
Ctrl T Click jumps to time (toggle)
Spacebar Start timeline (toggle)
Esc Pause timeline (no toggle)
NUM 0 Start timeline (no toggle)
NUM * Jump to last start position
NUM + Magnify timeline scale
NUM – Reduce timeline scale
Alt While dragging tail of cue to stretch tween points
Up/Down Select layer
Left/Right Select next/previous cue in layer
Ctrl Arrow Nudge image of selected cue 1 pixel
Ctrl Shift Arrow Nudge image of selected cue 10 pixels
Alt P Position
Alt O Opacity
Alt S Scale
Alt R Rotation Z-Axis
Alt C Crop
Alt L Color
Alt V Volume
Alt B Balance
Alt T Wipe (tiles)
Alt E Wipe (tiles)
Alt W Wipe (gradient)
Alt N Wipe (venetian)
Alt H Hue & Saturation

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