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  1. I wanted to share my experience with the new flash API issue, as I was able to get it to work at an event last night. It was however not with a little editing of the .swf provided in the cook book and use of a link. I found an interesting bit of information here - http://www.labnol.org/internet/twitter-rss-feed/28149/ Following the instructions here, I was able to convert a Twitter Widget to my own RSS feed. I then edited the Twitter.fla script:1 actions to this import flash.utils.Timer; import flash.events.TimerEvent; import flash.net.URLVariables; import flash.events.IOErrorEvent; //var qParam : String; // Twitter tag to load, specified by "tag" parameter, if any var refreshTimer : Timer = new Timer(10000); // Poll server at this interval var isTag : Boolean = this.loaderInfo.parameters.hasOwnProperty("tag"); /* Provide either a user or tag parameter to determine whether to display a twiotter feed related to a particular @user or #tag. Do not include the @ or # in the user&/tag parameter string. */ //if (this.loaderInfo.parameters.hasOwnProperty("from")) // Originating user name // qParam = 'from:'+ this.loaderInfo.parameters['from']; //else if (isTag) // Hash tag case // qParam = '#'+ this.loaderInfo.parameters["tag"]; //else // qParam = '#apple'; // Use this default tag if none specified //iFeedName.appendText(qParam); // Load feed for tag var rssLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); var url : String = "https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbzMuIJZq4Fh0fvOEPhZOqfdvlUEXPwCXEHu2GS79wZvgrNVSN2J/exec";//+ // encodeURIComponent(qParam); if (isTag) // Get only english results with that tag url += "%20lang%3Aen"; var rssURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url); rssLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, rssLoaded); rssLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, rssFailed); // RSS feed data received - present it function rssLoaded(evt:Event):void { var s = evt.target.data; var rssXML : XML = XML(s); var itemCount : uint = rssXML.channel.item.length(); var html : String = ""; for (var i : uint = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) html += rssXML.channel.item[i].description + '<br/><br/>'; iFeedText.taLog.htmlText = html; refreshTimer.start(); } // RSS load failed - restart the timer so I'll retry again shortly function rssFailed(evt:IOErrorEvent):void { refreshTimer.start(); } function reload(evt : TimerEvent) : void { rssLoader.load(rssURL); refreshTimer.stop(); refreshTimer.reset(); } refreshTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, reload); rssLoader.load(rssURL); // Perform first load Once I did this, I was able to follow the cookbook instructions to complete the rest, however, no parameters are entered because they are contained in the swf once created. I hope someone finds this useful. Thanks!
  2. I too have run a lot of VNC applications on production and display machines and also have never had any issues related to VNC. What are the conflicts that this could create? What issues have been witnessed before? I am just curious so that I know what to look out for. Thanks!
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