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Posts posted by ibmcclain

  1. The calibration of things.  Even when using known locations, carefully entered based on measurements and extensive drafting image was always off. And calibration using points, even when measured out and gridded, were horrible failures resulting in projectors being flung to locations in space that would have been hundreds of meters outside the venue.  Including with projectors on their sides, and projectors in normal orientation.  Honestly the only success i've had where 3D has worked as it should, was on a simple L-shaped wall the projector was hitting at a simple 45 degree angle with a 1.0 lens in landscape.  

  2. I'm interested in hearing about practical cases of success using Watchout's 3D in instances using multiple projectors to achieve physical curves.  I'm aware of several instances, including some of my own where attempts to use 3D has failed terribly when curves and multiple projectors have been involved.  The models have all been completely accurate, both derived from scans of objects, or accurate drafting. Lenses have also ranged from .38 throws to 1.0. 

    Has anybody had any luck achieving this?  If so, what made it possible? 

    Is anyone using Watchout 3D at all?  If so- how are you using it?

  3. A "Status Recall" feature for MSC.  The idea being, if Watchout gets a MSC command number 70, and I have pause cues numbered 60 , 80 and 90, if the playhead isn't between those 60 and 80 cues, it will recall the earlier and play 60. In a theatre setting this during a technical rehearsal, or when you need to emergency hop cue numbers, this will keep things in the right "cue".  At the same time, if the playhead is between 60 and 80, I don't want MSC cue numbers 71-79 to trigger 60 over and over, only when i'm outside that cue range.

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