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Slide presenter with watchout


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Hello, I used Watchout for a "Powerpoint presentation". We made a video of about 3 minutes lenght. Each slide was a still picture of about 0.5 secs and in between there was a transition (everything rendered in one video). In the timeline i put pause cues when the image became still (40 pause cues representing each of the 40 slides). I didnt have time to develop an automatic presenter so i put another computer with a standard presenter and i followed the slides with the pause cues.

Does anybody know a way to adapt a standard powerpoint presenter to WO?

Does anybody know a way to assign the forward arrow of the presenter to the spacebar on the keyboard?


Thanks in advance.

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Does anybody know a way to assign the forward arrow of the presenter to the spacebar on the keyboard?



Hi Sasami- i think I know what you are looking for: I regularly use a Hive Industries Micro Cue or Master Cue to advance timelines. Using a keyboard you can re-programme the buttons to any command you wish, in this case space bar.


Neil S

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Hi Sasami- i think I know what you are looking for: I regularly use a Hive Industries Micro Cue or Master Cue to advance timelines. Using a keyboard you can re-programme the buttons to any command you wish, in this case space bar.


Neil S


Uggh, I so hate running Production during presentation, but if you must,

I would suggest programming to trigger the " 0 " key on the numeric keypad instead of spacebar.

Spacebar is a toggle (start/ run - pause - start/ run - pause - start/ run - pause - ...).

The keypad key is a positive start / run only (start/ run - start/ run - start/ run - start/ run - ...)

And the Esc key is a positive pause.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Solved this issue with a really simple program. KeyMapper is a freeware software that allows you to remap your keyboard. The forward arrow in the presenter is recognized as Page Down key on the computer. And the backwards arrow in the presenter is recognized as Page Up key. So I remapped the page down key as the space bar and the page up key as the left arrow. Putting pause cues in the video and using this keymapper you can use WO as a power point presentation.

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  • 1 year later...



Our IT has a tool to send Simple TCP Messages to Office 2013. In Our Case we use ist for automatic Slidechange between 2 Computers (Syncronisation)

EG: The Presenter can see the English slides and the visitors follow German Slides on the Screen.


My Wish for our IT is that i can send a Message from Powerpoint to Watchout. So one special Slides we can use a Cue...

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