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NDI SpeedHQ (SHQ2) Support, Watchout 6

SL Craig

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Hi, forum. Long time lurking; first time posting. 

Is there a way to get SHQ2 NDI feeds into Watchout 6?

I ask because while we normally encode to more common/standard formats (and successfully get NDI feeds into Watchout), for a new project we're encoding to SHQ2 (to get higher-fidelity block-colours) and are getting... black... into Watchout.

(NDI Studio monitor can see and parse the feeds fine - Watchout however seems to be having trouble).

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1 hour ago, SL Craig said:

Hi, forum. Long time lurking; first time posting. 

Is there a way to get SHQ2 NDI feeds into Watchout 6?

I ask because while we normally encode to more common/standard formats (and successfully get NDI feeds into Watchout), for a new project we're encoding to SHQ2 (to get higher-fidelity block-colours) and are getting... black... into Watchout.

(NDI Studio monitor can see and parse the feeds fine - Watchout however seems to be having trouble).

 Please confirm you are asking about v6.7.3 ? One of the improvements in 6.7.3 include NDI update. From the 6.7.3 release notes:

  • * NewTek NDI® support has been upgraded to NDI 5.6 (the latest iteration of NDI).



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Hi, jfk - Confirmed. I'm testing on 6.7.3.

That said - good lead in there potentially: I'll follow up with the engineer (tomorrow) to see if he's sending using something new to NDI6 or if his work falls in line with NDI5.6 spec.

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2 hours ago, SL Craig said:

Hi, jfk - Confirmed. I'm testing on 6.7.3.

That said - good lead in there potentially: I'll follow up with the engineer (tomorrow) to see if he's sending using something new to NDI6 or if his work falls in line with NDI5.6 spec.

Understood. V6.7.3 was Released March 25, 2024,

so there very well could be a newer release of the NDI specification since then.

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The engineer has confirmed that his sender implements the NDI 5 SDK (albeit the NDI 5 advanced SDK). He's said that he'd like to do more investigation before fully sounding the alarm (as there may be something up with the way his sender is responding to the mis-matched colour-encoding suggestion from Watchout).
I'll post again when he gets back to me--

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