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„Standalone Show“


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the other day I could have used an easy way to make a show run as a loop for the next 1.5 months without the production software running.

I know there are ways to do this with startup scripts etc... on a display machine which has to be made the „new master“. But I figured all this to be too complicated. At least for me not having done this yet.

Why not configure all this from within the production software and export it to the specified display machine, just as if going online.

Thanks in advance.

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  • Dataton Partner

It's really easy to do.

Set up your show in Production to loop and upload it to the Display and confirm it's running ok.

Then remote into the Display server.

Go to the file menu on the Display server then choose "Edit startup script"

Past the txt below into autostart.txt - Notepad window that opens up.


; This is a small example on a scrip that automatically loads and starts a show named "MyShow"
; Note:  If the show contains of more then one computer then this script should only run on
; the computer designated as the cluster master and not on any of the other members of the cluster.
; The cluster master will automatically send the load command to all members of the cluster.

authenticate 1
setLogoString "The show will begin shortly"
delay 5000
load "MyShow"


Once that's done, change the line load "Myshow" to your filename.

Save the file and close it

Then you can choose the file menu again and choose Re-launch to test.

On re-boot the show should automatically run.

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there are several manuals in this forum how to setup a display computer running a wo-show without a production computer.

But the question was:

"Why not configure all this from within the production software and export it to the specified display machine, just as if going online."

Would make it much more easier.....


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  • Moderator
7 hours ago, TomT said:


there are several manuals in this forum how to setup a display computer running a wo-show without a production computer.

But the question was:

"Why not configure all this from within the production software and export it to the specified display machine, just as if going online."

Would make it much more easier.....


... and Nigel provided instructions on how to do it from the production computer. The existing method is very flexible. At that point, it is a matter of opinion I guess, as Nigel states "It's really easy to do ..."

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