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Posts posted by nickelalloy

  1. My personal choice would be Javascript (just because it's what I know and I don't have time to learn a new language). More specifically NodeJS,  then use Electron as a cross platform wrapper. https://electronjs.org/ Many apps are written using it (Slack, whatsapp desktop, atom IDE etc...

    I have a bit of a hatred of Java, which mostly stems from how resource hungry the runtime is/was. It might be an outdated view now, but I still stand by it! ?


  2. 8 hours ago, matkeane said:

    With this in mind, I've been working on a little external control app for managing layer conditions. Still a bit rough around the edges, but it allows for: toggling or setting a single layer condition, creation and recall of presets, groups of conditions with different behaviours (radio buttons, synched, etc). Layers can be switched through the UI, by UDP commands (from Watchout or elsewhere), or by OSC commands (not from Watchout!).


    Would you be interested in sharing your progress? What are you developing in?

  3. I've been using string outputs to set layer conditions within watchout via IP, but as it stands, you can only set all of the conditions at once.

    It would be really nice to only affect one condition. Say I want to set condition 9 to off, but I don't want to change any of the others. This is not possible without knowing the state of all the other conditions beforehand. 

    I'm assuming there aren't any commands available to achieve this. I took a gamble and tried "setLayerCond 9 0" and a few other variants,  but to no avail. 


  4. 20 minutes ago, jfk said:

    What WATCHOUT version are you using?


    So, I've tried again, and yes it works exactly as you suggested! Not sure why I was having issues before. Most likely user error ?


    2 minutes ago, jfk said:

    You might want to re-read that. It does not say you can use a generic output in a tween formula, only in a task trigger.

    Yeah, you're quite right... would be nice though.



  5. So, I can control a generic output from the timeline, as expected. But I can't work out how to use the value anywhere else within Watchout. Tween track formulas and task triggering expressions look for inputs not outputs.

    From the manual:
    "A Generic Variable can be controlled using cues on a timeline, just line a DMX-512 Output. However, its value isn’t sent to any external device in your system. Instead, it can be used internally to govern the behavior of Task triggering expressions (see “Using Outputs in Triggering Expressions”)." - But this doesn't seem to be accurate, or the manual doesn't explain how to actually acquire the values.

    "Using Outputs in Triggering Expressions
    Task expressions can use inputs, as described above, as well as numeric outputs. This can be used to build complex logic conditions, where the value of an output – such as a “Generic Variable” – governs the performance of a task." - But I can't see how to actually use the output anywhere.

    Typing in the name of the Generic Output in a tween formula box or in a task expression box just gives me an error.

    Any ideas?

  6. I'm having an issue with WO 6.2.2
    If I have the timeline running over a still image, then use a jump cue (to time or named control cue) which is over the same still image, the output flashes to black (or whatever is behind) for a fraction of a second. I've been testing it in an aux timeline. Not sure if it happens on the main timeline.

    Anyone else had this?
    I've tried adding the image to a composition. 
    Next step might be to render out a single frame video for the image.


  7. On 8/21/2016 at 3:58 PM, jfk said:


    See this misunderstanding all the time.

    enableLayerCond 0 is NOT all layers off.

    enableLayerCond 0 is reset to default layer conditions.


    Would you mind documenting this. I've just been having the same issues and not understanding why sometimes "enableLayerCond 0" would do what I wanted (set all conditions to off) and sometimes not (after I'd changed the enabled layers in the preferences). It seems that if you see this misunderstanding all the time, it would be good if the info could make it into the manual.

    For anyone else looking to set all conditional layers to off, use

    enableLayerCond 1073741824

    1073741824 is 2^30, which will turn all layers off.



  8. Layout guides

    I would be great to be able to add layout guides to the composition window, to allow for easier placement of media, virtual displays, real displays etc.  Like guides in Photoshop and other similar programs, anything being moved around in the comp window would snap to them.

    One specific example is when using compositions: If in need to lay out several pieces of media which need to line up with virtual/real Displays, it would be nice to be able to add guides to make it easier.



  9. On 6/6/2018 at 4:35 PM, mikefynn said:

    Hello developers and programmers. Thank you for an amazing product.

    Please see if you can implement my feature requests.

    Just like the way you are able to see whether a clip is using ADD / DARKEN / MULTIPY etc. just by looking at it on the timeline, it would be great to see whether a clip is LOOPING or FREE RUNNING just by looking at it on the timeline. Maybe rather than the clip having the word loop or free run displayed like ADD and MULTIPLY, the clip border could change colour, say purple for loop and blue for free run? And since it is such a common tween to use, can we not make a shortcut for it, like select the clip and push 'L' for loop and 'F' for free run? or add it to the right click options. It certainly doesn't need to be under the advanced tab as its used on almost every clip I put on the timeline, and it just seems like a lot of clicks for a simple tween.

    Adding to this, is it not possible to select multiple clips on the timeline, and push 'L' or 'F' to add the same loop of free run function to multiple clips simultaneously.

    Many thanks.



  10. I had exactly the same issue today. Watchout 6.2.2, using TCP commands to jump in the main timeline.

    I was using TCP to jump between multiple short video loops (20 Seconds), which were set to free running and looping. Triggering the TCP command would correctly jump to the control cue, the preview on the production machine would show the correct content, but the display machines would just sit there and flash the old clip, until I manually paused and then re-run the timeline.

    Didn't find a solution or a work around, thankfully we didn't need to use this control method in the actual show.

    As you say Bas, it works fine in aux timelines, but not on the main one.

  11. Also check that the displays all have the same settings. Any variance in display mode (specifically between "game" and other modes will change their input latency.

    Otherwise, I would definitely swap out or remove completely the Cat5 Extender kits, or at least make them all the same model.


    In an ideal world you'd be much better off with decent fibre systems, but I appreciate that this is a more expensive solution.

  12. I'm looking for a way to extract the timing information from the Watchout network. I'd like to just be able to get the current time of the main timeline. Is there any protocol information to get me on the right path or is it a closely guarded secret.


    I appreciate that there are a few other ways to acheive this (LTC, Midi trigger, etc) but I'd like to do it over network if possible.



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