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Mpeg2 size issue ?


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hi all


i made , using ffmpeg, mpeg2 files with no issue, playing very well.

size was 3584x1080px @50p 100mb/s.

on my next show clients gave me prores files 4096x656 @ 50p

i tried to convert it to mpeg2 as usual with ffmpeg and when

i put them in watchout (6.0.2 and 6.1) , in media window,  my mpeg2 files are seen with a different size and a strange thumbnail (a grey square with arrows)

watchout sees them in 1152x864 and once i throw it in the timeline , no video is displayed, black only.


so i played them like they were initially : in prores.


any idea ?


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If you can convert a small sample (use -t option in ffmpeg) of just a few seconds and upload somewhere we can have a look at it. 

here is a link to a piece of mpeg2 (8s PS)




size is 4096x656 but viewed as 1920x1152 in watchout , and no video just black

i usually use this kind of mpegs in my show without any trouble although it's first time i get this size of file.

i can see it in vlc ( i know it's not a good idea as vlc plays almost everything)



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The MPEG-2 codec doesn't allow dimensions to be multiples of 4096. FFmpeg throws the following warning while decoding your file:  "Invalid horizontal or vertical size value". If you try to encode you probably get this error: "Width or Height are not allowed to be multiples of 4096

add '-strict -1' if you want to use them anyway.".
However, VLC and FFmpeg/FFplay are using libAV for decoding and can play the file anyway (even with warnings). I will have a look if it's possible to force the mainconcept's decoder (the one used in WATCHOUT) to play files like this.
As a workaround you can pad your video to 4100x656 and it will play in WATCHOUT. Simply add -vf "pad=width=4100:height=656:x=2:y=0:color=black" to your FFmpeg command line and it will do the trick. If needed you can crop those extra pixels in WATCHOUT using a crop tween track.
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The MPEG-2 codec doesn't allow dimensions to be multiples of 4096. FFmpeg throws the following warning while decoding your file:  "Invalid horizontal or vertical size value". If you try to encode you probably get this error: "Width or Height are not allowed to be multiples of 4096

add '-strict -1' if you want to use them anyway.".
However, VLC and FFmpeg/FFplay are using libAV for decoding and can play the file anyway (even with warnings). I will have a look if it's possible to force the mainconcept's decoder (the one used in WATCHOUT) to play files like this.
As a workaround you can pad your video to 4100x656 and it will play in WATCHOUT. Simply add -vf "pad=width=4100:height=656:x=2:y=0:color=black" to your FFmpeg command line and it will do the trick. If needed you can crop those extra pixels in WATCHOUT using a crop tween track.


thanx i'll try that !

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