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Stuttering video playback solved by Windows 7 Update

Thomas Leong

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Recently, a client provided a provisional 3840x800 .mov file that was stuttering in Watchout 6.1.6 and 6.2b9 where in-camera pans up/down screen were concerned. The codec used was JPEG at 237 Mbps 24fps. No audio. [1.53GB available at https://www.dropbox.com/s/ointl8ouxcestbr/Sulhwasoo_opening_Port.mov?dl=0 which will be deleted in 2 months from today]

To cut a long story short, my problem was solved with the following Windows Update, listed under OPTIONAL:
Platform Update for Windows 7 (KB2670838) obtainable from -
Release Date: February 26, 2013

Summary of the OPTIONAL Update
This article describes a platform update for Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. This update improves the range and performance of the following graphics and imaging components:

    Windows Imaging Component (WIC)
    Windows Advanced Rasterization Platform (WARP)
    Windows Animation Manager (WAM)
    XPS Document API
    H.264 Video Decoder
    JPEG XR codec

Compatibility issues on certain computers that have hybrid video cards
Important Some computers that have a combination of Intel and AMD video cards in a hybrid configuration have drivers installed that are incompatible with this platform update.

The problem file I have plays 99% more fluently except for a bit of stutter towards the second last edit which I think is in the encode.
So if you are having issues with your video playback in Watchout, suggest you check that you have the aforementioned update installed. It may not be your hardware at fault.

Thomas Leong


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