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Is there a way to incorporate live VJ into a dataton installation


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We have a venue whose ceiling will be completely projected.


The content creator has recommended Dataton.


However, my research into Dataton indicates that it is purely a playback software. Is this correct?




There may be nights where we will invite a VJ to come and they will likely use resolume.


Is there a way to incorporate a live VJ into a Dataton installation?

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We have a venue whose ceiling will be completely projected.


The content creator has recommended Dataton.


However, my research into Dataton indicates that it is purely a playback software. Is this correct?




There may be nights where we will invite a VJ to come and they will likely use resolume.


Is there a way to incorporate a live VJ into a Dataton installation?

No. Dataton is a company that produces many other related things: http://www.dataton.com

One of these is Watchout, a multi-screen production and display software using the Windows OS (recommended Windows 7).

Watchout can do compositions rendered live via the gpu (unlike, say, Adobe After Effects). However, though live, effects compositing are limited unlike After Effects.


Watchout, with a capture card(s) installed (Datapath, Magewell, or Decklink), can composite the live capture into a presentation and send that out to the Displays in real time.

The normal procedure would be to capture the output of the VJ's laptop using a capture card installed in the Watchout Display PC with the appropriate port connector (VGA, HDMI, SDI).

If the Watchout Production PC does not have a capture card, use Thumbnail to represent the capture, scale and position the capture in the Stage Window, and send the info and control data to the Display PC.

If the Watchout Production PC has a capture card, then the VJ's output will have to be sent to both Production and Display PCs via a splitter.


Another alternative is to have a multi I/O Matrix Switcher selecting between Watchout Display PC outputs and the VJ's outputs and send those to the projectors.

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