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Remote Access failing


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Hello we are currently having some problems with remote display computer access with version 6.4.1

We have 4x 4k displays connected to the server and when going to remote access we get the message " can't establish remote access connection".

We then see the display computer exit out to the windows desktop. When we send the request again it works as the display computer is already there waiting. 

If we drop down to 1x 4k display it works perfectly every time. 

We have come to the conclusion that the software is not waiting long enough for the display computer to exit to desktop when 4x 4k outputs are being used. 

Any Help would be appreciated !






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Hi Brighter,

Your conclusion that the software is not waiting long enough for the display computer to enter desktop mode is correct.
This is not a problem that is exclusive to WATCHOUT 6.4.1 but rather something that is present in the software used for remote desktop access. 

We are looking into the problem but as of now the workaround is to wait until WATCHOUT has gone into desktop mode and then try to establish the connection, or to continuously try to establish a remote desktop connnection until it works. 


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