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Adela Kriland

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Posts posted by Adela Kriland

  1. Just a recommendation. Do not use more points if you do not need it. This is a linearity problem no need for more points.


    But I think Dean recommendation is very good. Take the outerpart first, then the center part ( this is probably the one that you are missing).  then it should be ok, if you need to move the internal parts then use the next lever ( what I call parallels ).


    It works, I can tell. :) good luck.



  2. Hi,


    If I understand correct.


    If the file is 3d side by side. Is already with the correct separation as it was ment to be.

    So is enough to put divide the sides just crop it and put one side to play in one display ( if 3D  selected in the correct layer/tier) or play left in the left and right in the right. Is not needed to change the z depth if is already a 3D movie.




    Adela Kriland

  3. Hi Curtis,


    From my point of view I do not think the partition will affect. Can you tell me how many outputs are you using form your Eyefinity cards and what kind of cables or connections are you using.


    Can you describe the "kind of issue".


    Normally the issues with Multihead output is that at some point it looses the EDID communication between the graphic card and the device. Then WATCHOUT does not understand that until windows re communicate with the devices and restart again.





  4. Hello,


    When you install the new driver 6.3.2 it makes a firmware upgrade.

    If this process is not done, because the card is not detected, then it does not work.

    One way that I normally fix this is installing an older version meaning it downgrade the firmware sometimes and then install the new driver. And it goes through the process to upgrade the firmware.


    I tried both the 6.1 that has work for me very good with version 5.1 and 5.2 WO. I have to accept that version 6.3.2 of the driver for Datapath seams faster, I combined with Decklink and Intensity with the new driver 9.5 which has much better performance reagarding the delay it had from activating the capture until you get the real picture.


    Hope this helps.





  5. Hello,


    Now I have tested, I am using WATCHOUT 5.2, Datapath driver 6.3.2. I am using capture with DVI and VGA. And no troubles at all.

    BUT you have to be sure that there is a firmware upgrade in the Datapath Card when you install 6.3.2 if not you have to uninstall the driver and install it again from scratch.


    Hope this helps.


    And you can just change the connectors DVI to DVI to VGA hot and it takes it. Tested in 2 different computers.


    Regards and have a nice day



  6. Hello,


    The show and the information of the alignment and blending is on the production computer. So you just need to make an online as you describe. BUT you have to be sure that your display computers has the correct ip number after cloning

    And if you delete from some display computers the show folder, I recommend you to delete it from all the computers that conform the cluster.


    Good luck,




    Adela Kriland

    Omagica AB



    Dataton Center


    +46 8 590 712 02

    +46 70 549 08 04 mobile

    Box 5012, 19465 Upplands Vasby






    +52 55 50149010

    +52 55 1209-0900 EXT 107


    +52 55 50149007

    Mob 04455 35773537

  7. Hi Neil,


    Yes just select all the media in the composition, make a new composition and copy all the media in the new one, just rename it.


    If you want to copy to another show, just copy the composition cue ( meaning when is on a layer already) to another show.


    Hope this helps.


    Best regards



    Adela Kriland




    Omagica AB



    Dataton Center


    +46 8 590 712 02

    +46 70 549 08 04 mobile

    Box 5012, 19465 Upplands Vasby






    +52 55 50149010

    +52 55 1209-0900 EXT 107


    +52 55 50149007

    Mob 04455 35773537



    Hernan Godoy



    +56 99 4445-806









  8. Hello ,


    I am using WATCHOUT 5.1 to export to video some shows that has audio in m4a format.

    Seams that WATCHOUT has some troubles preserving the volume of the cues while exporting. When I play the show in WATCHOUT it sound like it should with the mix in good proportion.

    When I export to video the background sound is so high that one can not understand the speaker.


    Has anyone experience something like this? Any advice.


    Thanks a lot


    Adela Kriland

  9. Hello,


    I do not know how complicated your show is, we normally use KORG NANO Midi Controller with success.

    For DMX artnet, we use Sandbox, from sandsys. Very easy to use and program.


    For the stereoscopy , well this is a complete chapter, it depends on the technology you would like to use, Polarized, Infitec etc. Depending on your requirement, you need different projectors, maybe a circular polarization is an idea. Let me know if you need a source of filters and silver screens.


    Best regards




    Adela Kriland



    Omagica AB



    Dataton Center


    +46 8 590 712 02

    +46 70 549 08 04 mobile

    Box 5012, 19465 Upplands Vasby






    +52 55 50149010

    +52 55 1209-0900 EXT 107


    +52 55 50149007

    Mob 04455 35773537



    Hernan Godoy



    +56 99 4445-806









  10. Thanks Jonas.


    This still depend on your cables and your devices. Is using eyefinity technology so is needed some precautions to use it.


    And you have to take care of the rest of the computer components to be able to handle the display outputs in high definitions.







  11. Hello,


    I hope this can help. Is just like a kitchen recipe sorry.


    Uninstall WO

    Uninstall /reinstall or update the driver for the graphic card.

    Install WO , then install the codemeter 430c

    Then remove all what you think you should from the msconfig start then set startup WO.


    That normally makes the machine work again as normal.


    Wish you luck!.






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