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Watchout 5 Consolidation/Caching Issues


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I'm a student worker at my college who uses Watchout to produce presentations for open houses. I've been working on revising our most recent show for the next open house, but whenever I go to consolidate the project or create a new project file in the same folder to safely make changes, I'll encounter errors caching certain .wav and .mov files. And by errors, I mean Watchout 5 "encountering a problem" and having to quit. I had found this forum post that helped at first, but I've had more than a few files have issues, and it'd be very counterproductive to go in and delete all of the troubled files. My solution for now has been to simply copy directly from an old backup to make revisions, but I'm starting farther back than I would have liked.


Has anyone else encountered a problem like this? Any solutions?


If it matters, I'm currently running Watchout 5 on a Windows 7 partition on my MacBook Pro (4GB RAM, Dual-Core Processor), with the files stored on a 2TB external HDD. Soon I'll be moving production to a dedicated production computer and not my personal laptop.

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My strategy would be like this:

1) make a complete copy of your WO4 show, work on this.

2) open and save that show in WO5.

3) never consolidate into the same folder

4) if you want save (for safety) during programming, do that

into separete folders, named with "backup/date/time" without

changing the Show-file name. Then it's real easy to drop the backup

file into the original folder, without triggering a complete new download.


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