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Windows Updates


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When building a new machine......

How does one control what windows updates are applied? In the tweak list it says "Install all updates". Followed by "Turn update off". What if an update/hotfix comes out that totally borks watchout? (Have there already been some?)

I've had good results doing a scratch install in the field where no updates were available.... Has anyone had a playback bug that was fixed by installing  windows update in the past?



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  • Dataton Partner

We have images for all our rental computers and usually update drivers and Windows fixes when we update the image to suit a new WATCHOUT version. We then test one machine thoroughly before we make the clone master. In the past, we did not see any rela issues installing Windows fixes but after doing so, you need to turn the automatic update detection off completely. Otherwise it might happen that Windows want's to inform you about an update in the middle of your presentation. I've seen this regularly with people presenting powerpoint & co.


Best regards



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