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ASIO Sample Rate Problem


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we are running WO 6.4.1 on Win7 and just installed a RME UC. It is synced to 48 kHz wordclock, we use the spdif (coax) output. Audio is played out from the production PC via ASIO at 48 kHz. Everytime a show gets opened, WO jumps back to 44.1 kHz. To get it on 48 again you have to choose a higher sample rate (96, 192) first and then 48 for it to be set properly. It is not possible to go from 44.1 directly to 48 kHz. Although it shows 48 in WO, in RME's specifications it is still getting 44.1 from WO.

Anyone had similar issues? Maybe it's the ASIO driver? Is there a recommended driver? ASIO4all perhaps?

Another thing: The audio setup is saved globally, which is interesting, since it is the only thing to be saved globally, and not only in the show. Seems like a bug to me...

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