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How to issuse aliasing when make 3D Mapping ?


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You can enable anti-aliasing in your graphics card settings. Choose to override the application's settings and select multi-sampled anti-aliasing (MSAA). I did some quick tests. This is without AA (click to enlarge):




This is with MSAA x8:




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While Miro's solution is very good, it is more taxing for the hardware, so make sure you re-test before going on site, to make sure everything still plays as expected. Another trick to improve this a bit, if you're rendering through a virtual display, is to make the virtual display two pixels wider and taller than the content you're playing on the surface. This trick assumes the content is just played as is, and doesn't move about or extend outside the virtual display. Place the content centered on the virtual display, leaving a 1 pixel "transparent" border of pixels all around. This should take off the jaggies, at the expense of the image not extending all the way to the edge of the 3D geometry (due to this "one pixel off" trick). Since the edge pixels are transparent, you'll get antialiasing between those and the edge pixels of the content.



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