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Mike Fahl

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  1. I believe so. But it was a while ago... Mike
  2. If I recall correctly, that error means that WATCHOUT was unable to connect to the TCP port on the targetIP address. Verify connecting to that IP and port by other means (e.g., using a telnet client) to determine if connection fails there too. If so, check the devices that are supposed to receive the data to make sure that accept the connection OK as well as the network path to get there. I doubt that "multiple NICs" can cause this error. That typically only affect broadcast and possibly multicast messages, which this one isn't. Mike
  3. Any "PC remote control" that can fire of arbitrary keypresses should do (or combined with some software that can map keys as desired). You may prefer to send the numpad Enter key instead, since that will always start playback of the timeline, while the spacebar is a start/stop toggle (unless that's what you desire). Mike
  4. If you attempt Eddys' suggestion, I believe you should terminate by $0D$0A$0D$0A (i.g., CR, LF, CR, LF): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50447483/end-of-http-header#:~:text=Each header ends with CRLF,for the HTTP protocol spec. This may work for single commands spaced "far apart", since WO holds the connection open for a bit after sending the command. It will then send any following commands on that already open TCP connection, which I doubt the other end will like in this case. Also, the action may be deferred until WO closes the connection (depending a bit on how the device implemets the HTTP protocol). I don't recall how the line endings for the other header lines are terminated when you paste in multiple lines like this. Those would also need to be terminated each by a CR/LF pair. But perhaps that's the case already, or he device may not be too picky here. Mike
  5. I dubt you'll succeed in sending HTTP commands from WATCHOUT. It just has basic TCP and UDP support. HTTP is a more complex protocol. The camera also seems to have a serial control protocol:´ https://eww.pass.panasonic.co.jp/pro-av/support/content/guide/DEF/HE50_120_SERIAL/ConvertibleProtocol.pdf As far as I can recall (it's been a while), WO can do serial. Alternatively, using a TCP-to-serial bridge, such as a MOXA nPort. If you really need HTTP, you probably need something else to talk to the camera, such as PIXILAB Blocks or some other control solution. Mike
  6. I guess you could make a timeline that's always active that sets an input depending on enabled layer condition. I believe you can get the input value from WO. That's more of a work-around for obtaining this, and would really only work for a single layer condition being enabled at a time, but could get you out of a pinch if need be. Mike
  7. That's done on the "Output channel assignments" tab, as suggested by Jim above.
  8. The geometry correction available for the regular display can have any number of adjustment points. Should let you warp things to match, assuming this is a static warp. Mike
  9. Do you really mean "VPN", as in a remote Virtual Private Network connection between peoduction and display computer(s) over the internet? I get a feeling what you're referring to is VLAN, which would make sense "to separate different equipment and control traffic". Running WATCHOUT over a VLAN should not be a problem, assuming switches are configured to route all packets properly. The VLAN "bundling" and "unbundling" (applying the VLAN "tags") can be done by most professional grade managed switches, and once the packets leave the switch that "unbundles" the tagged VLAN packets, they should work the same as on a non-VLAN-subnet. Mike
  10. Discovery uses UDP broadcast. My guess is that you have something on your network (such as a managed switch) or a computer that prevents such data communication from getting through. Mike
  11. We have a basic but very useful Artnet monitor available here: https://github.com/pixilab/artnet-monitor The file to run using the instructions on that page (ArtNet-Monitor.jar) is located in the dist directory. This will let you verify that WATCHOUT is outputting the exected Artnet data on the expected universe and channel. Artnet addressing can be a bit confusing – especially related to the universe numbering schem, which sometimes is 1-based and sometimes 0-based. So trying one universe up/down can help figuring this out. Mike
  12. For your first question above, this should happen by just using the MIDI Note input as a trigger for the auxiliary timeline. When this is pressed, it makes the timeline Run. For your second question, you would have to program an explicit Pause control cue where you want the timeline to stop. Hence, this does not rely on the currently selected layer. Mike
  13. That window is resizable as far as I recall. Make it as large as you need. Perhaps you missed that. Mike
  14. By using a MIDI note as a trigger for the timeline, you'll trigger the "next cue" by pressing that note, rather than a specific cue. The timeline will then run up to the next deliberate "pause" control cue. Mike
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