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will AKAI APC40 Knobs work on watchout?


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Hello WO users and Admins! Does anyone here use the AKAI APC 40 MK2? Im planning on upgrading my Korg Kontrol and Nano Midi device.

I have a friend who has the APC40 MK1 and most of the features are not working.

The knobs doesn't work. Is it the same case with the MK2?


I hope someone can share their experience with their APC 40.



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Hello Oziasjavier,


the Akai APC40 MK1works perfect with Watchout. You hav to keep in mind, that

all faders and encoders sends Midi-Control and the buttons sends Midi Note On/Off.

And the controller is working on several Midi-Channel, per default channel 1-9

For example: the first row on the left side is completely channel 1from top to bottom:

First 6 buttons, note 54,55,56,57,52

Switch , controller 23

3 toggle buttons, note 50,49,48

Fader, controller 7

Next column is channel 2, same notes and controllers.


And i think, the MK2 will work nearly the same way.


Have fun,



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