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Data to Send as a variable in String Cues


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Is it possible to send a String Cue where the Data to Send would be variable?

Let me explain : When I want to close the videoprojector's shutter, I'm using a button on my MIDI controller to trigger a task that send the data (SHU 0) to the projector and that works fine. In the same way, I have another button that triggers another task that send (SHU 1) and open the shutter.

But when it commes to Lens shift (for example) it's not a two-states control.
I use a slider that send 256 values between 0 and 1 and it wouldn't be reasonable to create 256 taskl

Is there a solution to make the "Data to Send" field of the String Cue variable just in the same way we use parameters and formulas to govern tween values?

Thank you for your help.

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