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Aux timelines and audio


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I'm having some issues with Aux Timelines. I have a bunch and sometimes they will play with their audio and other times they won't. I can't seem to find a pattern as to why some audio plays and some doesn't. All the clips are the type of file (h264). If I delete the Timeline, create a new one and drop the same file into it it will play fine. Any thoughts on where to start looking?

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Hi Mikesull- could be one of many things. Generally speaking though it is good practice to render files as mpeg 2 with a seperate audio track, usually uncompressed wav.Having said that I use H264 with embedded audio frequently without issue. Are they large files? Where is the audio playing from- a dsipaly machine or the production machine? Try starting the file not at 0 on the aux timeline- just a fraction of a second in.


If I delete the Timeline, create a new one and drop the same file into it it will play fine.


Are you saying that once it has not played with audio once it never does again? If so check the file plays fine in quick time on the machine playing it. Look around the forum for info on encoding reccomendations. Its there somewhere.

I would list the encoding settings for these files, and also your hardware setup as there isnt enough to go on in your message


Neil Stratton

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