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M-Audio Uno midi interface

Rogier Tuinte

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I'm trying to connect a M-Audio Uno midi controller to a Watchout input.

I installed the drivers in Windows 7 SP1 64 bit

Using the midi-ox tool, i receive midi note and control messages from the Uno controller.

In the Watchout production software i enabled the Midi show control option and set the correct Device ID.

When I click the learn button in the Midi controller input dialog, Watchout is not receiving a midi input....

Am I missing something?


Kind regards



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Hello Roger,


MIDI Note is not MIDI Show Control. Two different things/protocols and codes.


For WO Production to read/learn the MIDI Notes, enable TCP/IP Production Computer Control.in Files > Preferences > Control


Ensure that your MIDI Controller is sending to MIDI Port 1 because, if I'm not wrong, Watchout will only listen to inputs from that port.


Hope that works for you,


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  • 4 weeks later...
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It seems to me that a option for selecting the midi input device ID in Watchout is a must. In windows 7 it's difficult / not possible to change the id's of the attached midi devices. In our system for example we've a sound card with midi input and a external usb midi controller. By default windows assign ID1 to the sound card. I'm not able to change the ID. So the midi input from the sound card is id 1 (which Watchout use).

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