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Mike Fahl

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Posts posted by Mike Fahl

  1. That's really more a question for Barco, but a quick Google search came up with this manual:




    which on page 149 reads under the ISEL command: "Selects the specified input as the current input to display", which sounds promising. As far as I interpret the docs, you should be able to select input by number like this:


       ISEL -i 3$0D


    Where the digit 3 is the input number to select, and $0D is the terminating carriage return. Hope this helps.



  2. There seem to be a specification for doing this in a web browser:




    There's a simple example of accessing the API here:




    Requires Chrome to run, as this API doesn't seem to be supported in other browsers at this time.


    So if you're prepared to pipe your user's input through Chrome, for using it as a speech-to-text converter (sending it to Google's servers along the way), this should be quite doable.



  3. Beware of 3rd party "codecpacks" with WATCHOUT. The've been known to cause problems from time to time. Please re-test on a clean machine with no other codecs installed than those that come with WATCHOUT. If you can still reproduce the problem, send a sample video file to support@dataton.com for further examination.



  4. If you want to play a large number of 4k videos, you'll get better performance using MPEG2 insted of H264 simply because that codec isn't as heavy. GIven enough bitrate (which typically isn't a problem in WATCHOUT), MPEG2 often looks just as good. The best/only way I found to encode 4k MPEG2 is ffmpeg, which is command line based and availble for all OSes. There are lots of tutorials on how to use it for encoding various formats.


    FYI, WATCHOUT 6 includes support for a number of new video codecs and formats, which will improve this situation further. For example, the HAP codec allows you to play several videos without overloading the CPU (but has a very high data rate, so you need a fast SSD and I/O subsystem to acommodate the data).



  5. I doubt that FCP can render output with an alpha channe, regardless of codec, as It's really a video editor, and traditional video formats don't have alpha channel. Apple Motion (which I believe comes with FCP) can do it, as well as of course Adobe After Effects and similar compositing apps.


    Hmm, this page seems to imply that it can be done, albeit with some tricks along the way:




    so I may be wrong. But either way, you may be better off using a compositing app, such as Motion or AE,



  6. Nope. It's hard to describe. Even after seeing it, many have trouble grasping what it is and how it is used. It's an "internal display", where the resulting pixels also appear as a medium. It can be used like any other image, either mapped onto a real display or for texturing onto 3D objects.


    I'll try to put together a video demo to show what it is and how it can be used soon.



  7. As Jonas say, loss of EDID is usually the cause of this problem. This results in Windowes re-configuring the display, which upsets WATCHOUT. This loss of EDID may be caused by extension cables, the display device itself, power issues, etc. The most solid fix is often to add EDID emuator boxes to all outputs. Some advanced graphics card drivers have such functions built in.



  8. My experience is, when the computer is booted up, if there is no signal on the capture card,

    it defaults to 800x600 and locks that in,

    so that when a signal is presented to the card, it does no adapt to the new signal resolution.

    Even though I had not cued up the capture card, it still initializes and locks a resolution on power up.

    Granted I was using VGA when I observed this.



    FYI, this behavior has been changed in the upcoming WATCHOUT 6 version so that it will provide the right resolution even if the signal is NOT yet available by the time you hit the cue.



  9. Yes - If I can play back a clip at 2x or 0.5x 'normal speed'(the framerate at which it was encoded).




    This capability has been announced for WATCHOUT 6. The feature is a setting in the playbacl cue, that allows you to set the playback speed as a percentage of the nominal speed.



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