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Mike Fahl

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Posts posted by Mike Fahl

  1. I assume you're using the WATCHMan Flash API:




    If so, first call GetAuxTimeline to get a proxy or the auxiliary timeline. The returned AuxTimeline object can then be used to learn about interesting events, as the docs say. In your case, you'd add an event listener to the returned AuxTimeline object for the PlayingChanged event, which will be fired when the timeline starts/stops.


    Hope this helps.



  2. As Jonas say, the easiest solution is to install WATCHOUT on the large data partition, since WATCHOUT by defaut stores its show files on the same partition as it is installed. However, an alternative if you prefer to keep the app on the system/app partition is to use a command line option to direct the show files to another drive/partition. See here:





  3. The error message you're reporting (-2147220891), translated to the more traditional hexadecimal format (0x80040265) can be looked up here:




    Where it says "Cannot play back the file: the format is not supported.". Without knowing anything more about what's in the video fie you're trying to play, that's about as close to an explanation you can get. But presumably, as suggested by others above, the file format isn't supported by WATCHPAX. It may be that the file plays through QuickTime on your other computers (assuming QT is installed). QT is not available in WATCHPAX, which would then explain the difference in behavior. The solution is then to re-encode the file using a recommended video file format.



  4. What if they all have different in-points and when dragging them all they will still be in their same staggered order. But to be able to select all of these staggered layers and command them all to line up at he same timecode...? I am talking about 60+ layers.

    So essentially a "bulk" command for cues, moving all selected cues along their layers so their start time aligns with the current time position? Presumably same in the tail end of the cue, with the option of either moving or "trimming" so all cues end at the current time position.



  5. File extension doesn't matter. Note, however, that a MOV file may contain additional data/tracks that could interrfere with playback, while the MP4 standard is a more strict subset of the MOV file format, thereby avoiding any sich additional data. But in most cases when just exporting a MOV file, there will be no difference.



  6. We've done quite some demos with Kinect sensors over the years. Some more info and an example implementation can be found here:




    The Leap is essentially similar, albeit on a smaller scale. So I'd say you can treat it pretty much the same way. Details will differ, of course, since the API to obtain data frmo the Leap is different. But the basic concept should be the same.



  7. On the display computer any VNC server can cause problems since WATCHPOINT has it's own VNC server built-in using the standard VNC ports.


    Not quite. Unless you give the "Remote Access" command in the production software, the VNC server isn't running on the display computer, so no VNC port will be in use. The included VNC server is started on demand by the  "Remote Access" command.



  8. Insert smooth keyframes along the tween track to bend the curve into an S-shape. Same as for all other tweens. Only the position tweens behave differently, since they have separate easing handles in the Stage window.



  9. my first question is: did the path for the "shows" folder was change?

    Sounds like you don't have UAC disabled, as described on page 227 of the manual. Fix this, and your Shows folder will go into the app folder as before. You should then delete the folder in the other location to save some disk space. It's Windows that redirects the folder to th location you mention when UAC is active.



    im working on an installation  that i need to change files on the cluster manually..

    This should be doable using a proxy media item, setting its file transfer mode to "manual", as described on page 139 and 141 of the WATCHOUT manual.



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