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Live Camera Video delay - Watchout 4.5.1

Joel Limin

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Good day!

I always have this problem when working on projections with Live Video Camera input. I usually add some entrance and exit effects for the Live Video (like opacity, position, etc) to add some drama on my projections. I usually set its duration time to 5 seconds. The entrance is from 0 to 2 seconds (opacity and position effects are added on the timeline) then i will pause it on the 3rd second. Then the exit will be from 4 to 5 seconds (opacity and position effects are also added on that timeline)

The problem here is that, most of the time that I play the live video, it doesn't perform the opacity and position effects for the first 2 seconds. It will just appear on the screen out of nowhere. But it never fails to perform all the effects when it's exiting.


What might be the cost of the problem? The signal is SDI and I am using BLACK MAGIC SDI Capture Card (which is connected to watchout display)


I believe that my computer unit has a good specification to handle watchout 4.5.1. I am using Corei5-2400 @ 3.10Ghz, RAM of 3GB, AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series 2GB for graphics card, and 500GB HDD.

Does anyone know what might be the cost of the problem? Is there any optimum settings that i can use to prevent this problem?

Thank you very much!

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  • Dataton Partner

Hi. Familiar "issue". Or actually, a common phenomenon.

Your capturecard signal needs some time to activate.

Solution: either have it active all the time with opacity set to 0 or do this on your camera cue: preload your cue by running into the cue with opacity set to 0 (so run to for instance 0.2 sec into cue). Pause at least two seconds or so to give the signal time to activate and then run your cue as you describe.

Let us know how this works out for you.

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As far as I tried my Datapath Vision RGB ES2 DVI input card needs about 2 seconds to initialise video feed. Provided the computer is properly optimized. On slower machines I'd get even more. If You don't have your feed running all the time in background (e.g. with opacity) you'll have to set the transition after the initialisation takes place - for me it's usually after 2-3secs. But it needs experimentation. Depends on the resolution and source type also, I guess.

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