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Watchout 4.5.1 contents always re-uploading

Joel Limin

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I encountered this problem in Watchout 4.5.1 last week when had a show in Taif, Saudi Arabia. The problem was everytime I'm gonna start my Watchout Production and making it ONLINE, it always re-uploading all the contents to all watchout display computers (total of 20 watchout display computers). This happens everyday once i boot up my production and make it ONLINE. All the contents are in a video proxy. Is this normal? Because it took me like more than 20minutes to upload all the contents. Each content has a size of 250MB.


I also experienced that during the show, that production just suddenly freezes. What might be the cause of the problem?


Thank you very much..

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No, thatäs not normal. Can you still reproduce this problem on one set o computers? If so, can you reproduce it on another set of computers? If it only happen on a particular computer, my guess is that there's something wrong with the access rights to the folder where WATCHOUT stores the show. Have the computer been tweaked according to the manual (particularly the UAC settings)? What OS version is being used? 



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I've had a similar problem one day. Maybe you're in the same situation.

I was using two production computers (one as a backup).

The project and media content were supposed to be strictly identical on both machines.

Since videos were in proxys, file names were identical (file must be named according to the display names).

So when I quickly browsed into media folders I couldn't see any difference between "Production 1" and "Production 2".

However, each time I changed from Production 1 to Production 2 computer (and vice-versa) some files were re-uploaded to the display computer.


I finally found that some files in proxy had a DIFFERENT DATE on each computer.



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