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rendering error 5


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hello, my English is bad. I write from Guatemala and have a problem with me qeu wachout and displays the following message.


from display visualizador 1 of stage tier base of base

rendering error 5  command load  display setting not available


from display visualizador 1 of stage tier base of base

rendering error 5 command active display setting not available


from display visualizador 1 of stage tier base of base

runtime error command gototime not applicable  in current stage


I hope someone can help me

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The first error states that the Display PC is telling WATCHOUT that the resolution

you have typed into the WATCHOUT Display dialog for visualizador 1 is not available.

The second and third errors are simply side effects of the first one. 


Double check to make sure there are no typos in the resolution

entered into the WATCHOUT Produciton display definiton.

If that is not it,

Set your Display PC desktop to the resolution that you entered in

WATCHOUT Production, before opening WATCHOUT Display.

If you can not set that resolution in Windows desktop and you know the computer can do it,

most likely a flaw in the displays communication of EDID to the PC.

This can occur from flaws in extenders, flaw in the display, etc.

(Been seeing EDID  issues arising from Panasonic projectors again recently)

Worse case, you may have to add an EDID manager to your Display PC outputs

to correct flawed EDID signal.

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