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Watchout6, losing connection from Display to Control: Forced Reboot


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I am new to using Watchout6 and today I have encountered the same issue twice. On both occasions my control computer notified me that connection the display computer had been lost. My projection went form my Watchout image, to the windows screen. After checking and re-checking all connections to no avail, I was forced to shut off my display computer manually. Upon restarting everything was ok and connection was re established.


Has this issue happened to anyone before? I can only assume its either one of my ethernet cables or the license keys? It has not happened before today, and has not happened in the last two hours. hoping for a clean show.

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The real cause is a guess at best. I've had the Display PC (unlike your situation, I had nothing running yet, just the start-up Display 'window' showing the version and ip address) being kicked out to the Windows desktop a number of times while setting up and testing a number of new and upgraded Display PCs for clients recently. This is what I've done, and since then Watchout Display has not been 'kicked out to the Desktop' -


1. Per the 'Tweak List', ensure that nothing else is loaded in the Task Bar except for Codemeter and Watchout - i.e. no Catalyst, no whatever else.

2. In Services (right-click My Computer > Manage > Services), set any service that is 'Automatic (Delayed Start)' to either 'Auto' or 'Manual'.


Hope that solves it for you.


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It might just be that it crashed. However, could the display computer crash and not the control computer? The program does not freeze on the control computer when this happens. What does happen is a loss of my content (and an ugly windows screen, and or the Watchout logo showing up) via the projector. 


Thanks for the input so far.



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