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RS232 control of IDK Matrix Switcher


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I am trying to control a IDK MSD 502 matrix switcher from Watchout using RS232. IDK tells me that the code to make this happen is @EXC,1


@EXC, 1 will trigger a shutter command that is stored in the switcher.

I was able to make the switcher work in a terminal software, but when I hook it up to WO nothing happens. I tried to add $0D to the front and back of the code. I have the settings correct. Baud rate 9600, no parity.

I will take any suggestions.



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  • Dataton Partner

$0D is usually what makes the string go off. Always add it to the end of your string.


If "@" is not interpreted in the right way when sent as "@", you might try to use the $40 which is the hex-code representing "@". 

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I'd start by verifying that the serial port you're using on the Display computer(not production) is COM1 in device manager. 


If that's correct, route that serial port back into a laptop or other machine in a terminal software(like putty) and make sure you're getting something back.


If not, feel free to post/send me a link to your project and I'll take a look. PM me for contact info.

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