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Dynamic Images fails to load, or loads randomly


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We have recently changed design in a Watchout show. In the new show, we use our Dynamic Image server more than we used to. We used to present 1 image at a time, typically in a sequence with 5 images played one after the other. The images did a cross fade, so there was ver more than 2 images visibe at the same time.   Now we play 3 at the same time. Watchout start out loading and playing out the 3 images, as intended, but after a while, 7-8 minutes or so, the images appear randomly, and sometimes not at all.


To ensure stability and to have a simple unifirmed workflow, we have a system that creates the images for the presentation. It crops and scale the image, and wil always save it in the same format, in this case a HD image, 1920x1080 jpg 72 dpi.


The only solution we could come up with, that actually works, is to load all dynamic images, used in all the different aux timelines designed, at the same time. For that purpose I made a composition, that loads everything in a corner of an output, that are not shown on any display. You shouldn't have to do that, hence the entire idea about the Dynamic Image server is to prevent such a workflow. I'm totally stuck here.... We're running WO v. 6.1.2.


Have anyone else had this experience?


Best regards Christian

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If all you need to do is loading images that sit on another computer ready to go, you might want to consider the ability of the Image Proxy to load from a web server. Use something like WAMP or MAMP to turn the computer holding the images into a web server, then point the pxoxy there. This may be more reliable, albeit less flexible, than the Dynamic Image Server.



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Hi Mike


Thx for your answer. already thought about a solution like that, but unfortunately it conflicts with the workflow we have, and we want to keep. I might be wrong, but as I see it the Dynamic Image server software either have a bug, or I using it in a way it wasn't intended. I've contacted the support team at Dataton now, and try to get them to look at it now.


Best regards Christian

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My understanding was that you only used the dynamic image server to serve static images being dumped into a folder. Can you elaborate a bit more on your workflow here, to see if there's anything that can be made to fit?


BTW, I agree with your findings in relation to the dynamic image server, and that it is likely a bug (unless I'm overlooking something in what you're trying to do, bringing me back to my question above).



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