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Display video to vga Projector


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I am very new to the Projection with Watchout. I am using the latest software. The issue I have right now is displaying my content on my projector. I have a VGA projector connected to my laptop. I see no options to connect? All the option seem to require a network to go through. Is my setup that I have right now. Not going to work the way Watchout requirements? 

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I am very new to the Projection with Watchout. I am using the latest software. The issue I have right now is displaying my content on my projector. I have a VGA projector connected to my laptop. I see no options to connect? All the option seem to require a network to go through. Is my setup that I have right now. Not going to work the way Watchout requirements? 


sounds that way.

WATCHOUT is a family of software products -

WATCHOUT Production, WATCHOUT Display, WATCHOUT Dynamic Image Server (and WATCHNET).


The minimum required to prepare a WATCHOUT system for playback is two computers and two licenses.


One computer and license to run the editing user interface - WATCHOUT Production.


The other computer and license to run the media server to drive the VGA display(s) - WATCHOUT Display (or WATCHPAX, WATCHMAX)


Once WATCHOUT Production has completed the preparation and transfer of content to WATCHOUT Display,

the Production computer and license may be removed

and the Display computer and license can playback the preloaded shows standalone.

But first you must prep / preload WATCHOUT Display via the Produciton station.

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