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Easter Challenge – win Dataton merch!

Jacquie McHale

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HI Everyone,

We have an Easter Challenge for you…  and the winner gets as much merch as we can cram into a huge Easter egg!

You know the mythical stories about holy grails or unicorns? Well, at Dataton we have a bug that has haunted us at least since September 2012, where WATCHOUT was in version 5.2. It is rarely seen, but has been encountered enough times to be confirmed as a bug.

The hard part is that it seems like no one has been able to deliberately recreate it. And a bug that cannot be systematically recreated… is very, very difficult to fix.  

Bug description
Cues placed at the correct time in the user interface are sorted incorrectly when saved to the show file. They should naturally be sorted in chronological order, but, for some reason, one or more of the cues gets misplaced. The effect is that the cue exists and usually works but it can be invisible on the layer.

The work-around is easy
The easiest way to fix this is to select all cues on the timeline (Ctrl-A), cut them out (Ctrl-X) and then paste them back again (Ctrl-V). This action re-orders the cues so that they can be stored correctly in the list.

The challenge!
Provide us* with instructions on how to reproduce this issue from an empty show.

Your reward!
The first person to send us a successful set of instructions gets a huge Easter egg filled with goodies (hoodie, pen, tee, iTunes gift card, a bug hunter diploma) and will join the select circle of beta version recipients if you aren't already there!

Happy hunting!

*Send your step-by-step description to: support@dataton.com with “Easter challenge” in the subject line. We’d love to hear from you sooner rather than later, but there is no time limit on this challenge!

easter hunt.jpg

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