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Output via NDI


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I know WO can take in NDI feeds, limit of 2 streams. However can WO natively output NDI streams? Or are you limited to using NDI Scan Converter only applied to an screen output? Does a physical screen need to be connected to the GPU?

NDI SDK 3.8 was just released with various improvements announced.

Other MediaServer support output via NDI, I think WO would be amazing if it had this feature also, not to mention ability to output multiple NDI outs for multi-screen shows. Plus now

Edited by reod
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I am curious about your statement above that there is a limit of two streams for receiving NDI into Watchout, where does it come from? There is no limitation of the number of streams in Watchout, but of course, sooner or later you will hit the wall either due to network bandwidth issues or an overloaded CPU on the display computer. 

During testing we have successfully run 64 unique 1920x1080 streams in 30 fps on a 10 gigabit network. This test setup was running for days without any issues. 

We do not currently support NDI output from Watchout. 



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Thanks Erik 

I misunderstood this paragraph then on the 2 streams - “Each NDI media in WATCHOUT can be connected to two NDI streams; one primary and one secondary which may be used as backup.” Taken from the URL i originally mentioned  

Perhaps this document would benefit by adding a couple of bullet points

“-virtually unlimited number of NDI sources depending on CPU, resolution/FPS, network configuration and bandwidth.

-NDI outputs or multiple NDI outputs not supported.”

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  • 2 years later...


I would like to send outputs to a kahuna 9600 without adding cables or DP splitter so i thought that there was a way to duplicate the display in a virtual display as it appears as a source in WO but there is no option to go out from WO....

Is there a way to output a virtual display as a NDI source? Or have a NDI output of any other display type? Or do we need to use NDI tools?

Best regards



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