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Watchout Scheduler app


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anyone have success with scheduler app stoping and starting a show? I have one program to run on two display machines, but not able to get Scheduler to start and stop on the times I want. Does Scheduler need to be on display computer or can it work on a standalone connected to same network? Any advice would be greatlyappreciated. Thanks!



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Does Scheduler need to be on display computer or can it work on a standalone connected to same network?



It should be on a stand-alone computer. You may want to try one of the simpler remote apps first to see if communication works OK. If so, the scheduler should work fine too.



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Tried Watchout Remote and it works very well. The scheduler app connects, and I see my two displays, make them active and able to make a program. The problem comes when I drag the program to the calender, the program never starts on the time I want. I can drag the program to a past time and the program will begin. But no future time slots will active a program. do you keep scheduler open or closed after a schedule is made?

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