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Running Watchout without a production computer


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Is it possible to run a WO show without a production computer... using 1 display computer and 1 license? Do I need to push the files from my production computer, first, to this display computer or can I just transfer the files over using conventional means, like a thumb drive?

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Is it possible to run a WO show without a production computer... using 1 display computer and 1 license?

Once you have loaded the content with production, yes,

for playback, you can run a WO show without a production computer


Do I need to push the files from my production computer, first, to this display computer



or can I just transfer the files over using conventional means, like a thumb drive?



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  • 3 months later...
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Is it possible to do this with one license key? ie. Create a watchout presentation on one computer and then run the production side and display side from the same computer?




While it is not supported, it is possible to run production side and display side on the same computer for the purpose of loading a completed show into the display side. It will still require two license keys to do this, one for each of the WATCHOUT software applications running. The trick to load the display in this manner is clumsy and not appropriate for the production process.

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