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WatchOUT 6.7.2 Screen Card Issue

Serkan Dizici

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Hello, I am using Watchout version 6.7.2, and I have a computer with a graphics card that has 6 outputs. However, since it's a bit outdated, I built a new computer and installed 2 RTX 4090 graphics cards, each with 4 outputs. When I open a display from the computer with 2 RTX 4090 cards, I can only get images from 3 of the outputs, and I can't get images from the other 3 outputs. What could be the reason for this, in your opinion?

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58 minutes ago, Serkan Dizici said:

In this case, do you have a solution suggestion for me? Do you think using a riser card to combine two graphics cards would work?

No, i do not think that will work.

Is the goal six outputs? if so, with WATCHOUT 6 and earlier the only straightforward choices are AMD six output cards.

How soon do you need this up and running for serious use? WATCHOUT 7 uses modern methods to utilize the graphics subsystem. While Dataton is not testing with multiple GPU cards, and make no claims on the topic, technically it should not be a problem. But 7 is still a ways off for some uses.

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6 hours ago, Serkan Dizici said:

Thank you for your responses. Yes, my goal is to have six outputs. I couldn't find a newly produced 6-output card for AMD. That's why I want to solve the issue by using two graphics cards, splitting the 6 outputs between 2 Watchout player PCs, with 3 outputs each. Do you think this would be a reasonable move?

Yes, with qualifications. Connecting directly to projectors? Yes. Connecting directly to flat panel displays with frames. Yes.

Connecting to LED processors, vision mixers, or any type of processor? Needs gpu manufacturers synch hardware added.

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