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Corrupt Cache?


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Having a problem with a Display PC which had been working okay but then hangs on startup with the 'show will start shortly' message on screen.


From within the show folder I deleted the media files, the Cache and the CachedFiles.

Then went back on-line with the Production PC.

This updated and replaced the files.

Reboot the Display PC and the show now starts running okay.

Rebbot the Display PC again and this time we're stuck again on the 'show will start shortly' screen.


Any ideas how to fix please??

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Hi Sydney,

the time a Watchout Show arises with a lot of Strg D and L, I always delete that cache files on display computers from time to time. Especially when there is "Showtime" I always kill them and force a reload.

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The fact that you see a 'show will start shortly' message on screen indicates that there's a startup script. It could make sense to check what's in this script, as the show apparently runs properly when started form the production PC. It's likely started by a shortcut in the Startup folder, which indicates a text file containing WATCHOUT commands, where one command displays the above mentioned messager and other commands should load and start the show.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Folks,


I would like to report a similar issue that we're facing with a current installation.... 


In fact, we are make a trip to the installed site to inspect the system in further details...


Basically the scenario is such:


Setup as Display cluster, only 1 Display PC with SINGLE output. Looping a single MPEG-2 Video throughout the entire timeline. The installation was schedule to start up every morning @ 7am via the BIOS timer and shutdown via Windows Task Schedule @ 11pm.


System was running fine for 1 month, lately (approx. 1 week ago), the system starts up in the morning but got stuck at the WatchOut Logo screen (in Windows Mode). A restart of the system seems to rectify the problem. And after that incident, we have been monitoring it for 5 days and the startup and show runs without any glitches...


However, this morning, the same issue strike again... 


We wonder if any other users have similar experience...


Thank you and regards,


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