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Hi all good boys , we are projecting a who in which we need to output 2 displays, whit a WO5 machine whit triple output , and have 2 windows 1 displaying video from blackmagic card , other displaying ppt from a laptop, it's safe and secure to display ppt via network like you have on user manual page 143 add computer screen? i've try it at home and the laptop tell slow vnc connection , did someone know why ???


thanks a lot for your help 

bye bye 

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  • Dataton Partner

Hi Francesco,


Not sure why you are getting a message about slow response, but I can say something about the ppt through network: yes, it's safe, but imho: I wouldn't use it because if you have slick animations in your ppt, those won't come out nicely. But for simple and static ppt it's sufficient. I would always recommend the use of a proper capturecard.


Let us know which way you went and how it worked out for you!


Anyone a remark about the 'slow' bit?



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