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Free Running Video - Find the "Loop" point?


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Hi Everyone,


I have a loopable video that we use as a hold screen.

I would like to find a way to cue progress, but only at the "loop" point.

We have a second video that is not loopable, which then runs from the same start view of the hold screen. So when the show is ready to start we want to progress from there but only 


I would simply set it as non-free running, but we can't predict how long it needs to loop for.

So the sequence would be:


1. Free running hold screen.

2. Cue given to progress once hold screen reaches "end of video" instead of looping again.

3. Timeline progresses.


I hope that makes sense, and someone can assist?




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Depends on how you are going to tell the system when to complete its loop and move on.

Personally I only thing in cluster mode playback, so ...


Say you loop and free run a composition from a paused timeline.

If I interpret correctly, on command,

the loop should continue to its end one last time and then

roll into the next cue.


One way I can think of is to control an input device from an external source

that can maintain the on state - tcp/ip, midi note (maybe), midi controller, ArtNet/DMX.


A second input device is to be controlled by the looping composition itself.

(and yes, there is an advanced trick to this using localhost

and sending the setInput cluster command to itself.)


The composisiton should set its input to 100% for about 1/4 of a second

at its roll out point and then return to 0%.


A task with a triggering condition of both inputs True

then releases the looping composition via a

control play cue pointed at the paused timeline with the loop.


There may be a better way, need to let the idea "breathe" a little longer  ;)



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Hi Rob-


This may be more of a "hack" but I think it would work...


Put in your looping clip first.

Then butt your next clip up to it (on a different layer) so it will play immediately following with no black space.

Place a jump control cue at the exact end of the looping clip, jumping back to a cue at the exact start of the looping clip.


So when you are at the start of your show, the timeline is moving along, playing your looping clip, but the loop is created but the control cues jumping back to the top of the clip.


When you're ready to start, while in the middle of playing your looping clip, just delete the jump cue (highlight and push "delete" on the keyboard) before the playhead gets to it. Watchout should just keep playing past where it was, directly into your next clip seamlessly.


Might have to play with the jump cue points by a few .000s of a second to line it all up, and possibly manually pre-roll the second clip, but as far as control it should work.



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Depends on how you are going to tell the system when to complete its loop and move on.

Personally I only thing in cluster mode playback, so ...


Say you loop and free run a composition from a paused timeline.

If I interpret correctly, on command,

the loop should continue to its end one last time and then

roll into the next cue.


One way I can think of is to control an input device from an external source

that can maintain the on state - tcp/ip, midi note (maybe), midi controller, ArtNet/DMX.


A second input device is to be controlled by the looping composition itself.

(and yes, there is an advanced trick to this using localhost

and sending the setInput cluster command to itself.)


The composisiton should set its input to 100% for about 1/4 of a second

at its roll out point and then return to 0%.


A task with a triggering condition of both inputs True

then releases the looping composition via a

control play cue pointed at the paused timeline with the loop.


There may be a better way, need to let the idea "breathe" a little longer  ;)



That makes sense - that for the tip - i'll have to try it!

I didn't really think about free-running a composition itself... i didn't really even know you could do that :D



Hi Rob-


This may be more of a "hack" but I think it would work...


Put in your looping clip first.

Then butt your next clip up to it (on a different layer) so it will play immediately following with no black space.

Place a jump control cue at the exact end of the looping clip, jumping back to a cue at the exact start of the looping clip.


So when you are at the start of your show, the timeline is moving along, playing your looping clip, but the loop is created but the control cues jumping back to the top of the clip.


When you're ready to start, while in the middle of playing your looping clip, just delete the jump cue (highlight and push "delete" on the keyboard) before the playhead gets to it. Watchout should just keep playing past where it was, directly into your next clip seamlessly.


Might have to play with the jump cue points by a few .000s of a second to line it all up, and possibly manually pre-roll the second clip, but as far as control it should work.




Thanks David. I was going to revert to this sort of method if i couldn't find any other way around.

I have started using QLab with MSC so i can add Midi events to skip to/past the cues too - trying to eliminate the potential clunkiness of manual cue-handling during show.


Thanks again.


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