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Dynamic Image Server crashing when attempting to serve images


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I'm trying to use Dynamic Image Server to host PNG image files; Watchout 6.5 on Win10 LTSB 1607.

When I add a dynamic image on the production machine and select the 'Desktop' option, everything works fine and I can see the desktop image on the display machine output.

When adding a dynamic image with the 'Image' option selected, this causes the Dynamic Image Server to crash. 

I have tried using PNG and TIFF files with the same result.

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Hi, I am sorry that you had crash with dynamic image.

1 Have you ever managed to make Dynamic Image Server work with image type. 

2 Have you put correct relative "path" in the media setting.

Otherwise could you send us the screenshot of your Dynamic Image media setting window.

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Hi, thanks for the reply. 

1. No, I have not been able to make the Dynamic Image Server work with any image type, only ‘Desktop’ mode. 

2. Yes, the media is located in ‘D:\WATCHOUT\IMG\’, and the defined path is ‘IMG’ as per the user manual. I have also tried setting the path as a shortcut string when launching DIS. If the path is not set, or set incorrectly, the image icon does not show in the DIS window, and it doesn’t crash (but also doesn’t serve the image due to incorrect path). 

I’ve attached the dynamic image media item window below. 



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